Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Steps in problem solving

While math problem solving, the concept of the different operators must be clear to the person and it must also be known that which operator should be used to get the solution to the given problem.
 We find that the Steps in problem solving should be known and must be clear to the person who is involved in solving the problem.  Different word problems have different solutions. While solving the problem, we should first try to understand what the meaning of the problem is and what the requirement of the solution is. Once the problem is clear, we take care that which operator will be used to get the solution to the given problem.
If we remember certain key words, and for what purpose these words are used, we will easily be able to get the solution to the given problem. So we will look at different words and for which mathematical operator these words are mean for.
Let us start with the “+“operator that we have earlier studied in CBSE. If the problem has the  word ADD, Sum, Total, IN ALL, MORE, increased by, Added to , then these words are used to represent the Addition operator of the  given problem. On another hand, if we have the following words in the word problems “REDUCED”, “SUBTRACTED”, “DECREASED BY”, “LESS”, “DIFFERENCE”, then it is clear that  in the given problem we need to find the  difference of the  two numbers.
 Now we look at the multiplication and division. In case we have the value of unit object and we need to find the value of more than one object, we will multiply the given numbers. More over we say multiplication is used for repetitive addition. On another hand to divide or distribute the object equally we write divide.

In upcoming posts we will discuss about Mathematical Reasoning and Numbers and Operations. Visit our website for information on probability worksheets

Problem solving strategies

Math problem solver have the steps to solve the problem. It is the way of defining the problem. In Problem solving strategies we discuss the process of solving large problems that have some techniques that are called as problem solving techniques. In first step large problem is broken into small solvable problems.
If the problem is more complex and difficult then it will be subdivided into less complex solvable part. After breaking the large problem into the small solvable problem define all the variables of the problem and also all the functions and If there is any need of change then that part or functions must be modulated .
The problem solving strategies from Gujarat board can be described as:
(a) Write the problem in your own words to understand the problem in more effective way and List all the variables and the function of the problem that are applied on these variables.
(b) After then according to the first strategy make the appropriate diagram according to the given problem and find the answer based on the diagram.
(c) Other strategy to solve the problem is to make the record or list for all the calculation that is done to solve the problem and calculate the answer.
(d)Predict the answer of the given problem is another strategy and when we get the answer according to the calculation then check the predicted answer.
(e) First divide the problem into small parts and then solve these parts that is known as Divide and conquer the problem and again combine them to get the answer.
(f) Find the problems that have the same pattern as solved previously and follow that pattern to solve the problem.

In upcoming posts we will discuss about Steps in problem solving and Parallel lines, perpendicular lines, geometry. Visit our website for information on rational expressions calculator

Monday, 16 April 2012

interpret data

Hello students, in this section we are going to discuss the Interpret data taken from Maharashtra state board books. Interpret data is the means of analyzing the data. The interpretation of data depends on the several factors. Such as: -
-On variable: - A variable is an element in the data set. Variables value may vary in different conditions.
-Types of variables: - Qualitative means non numerical quality
Quantitative means numerical that may be discrete and continuous.
Tables and graph data: - We store the data in the tables and represent that data by the help of the graphs.
If we talk about the simple meaning of the interpretation, then it is a process of giving some meaning to the symbols of the formal language. Interpretation is the step by step process from top to bottom to assigning the meaning of those things which cannot be easily read by the human beings. Generally in these days various interpretation tools have developed to make the interpretation of data easy.
The data interpretation uses the statistics approaches to analyze some meaningful facts from the research facts. It is not necessary that two different researchers interpret the same type of data on the same way. A interpret result may be anything means a number, a average of two or more number.
The other meaning of the interpretation is: - explanation of the symbols, to take the significance of the formal language.
So it is noted that to understand the interpret data in probability we have to follow some kind of steps.
It means the steps that comes in analyzing of the data are also comes in interpret of data. The interpret data in probability is also done on the same way that we studied above.

In upcoming posts we will discuss about Problem solving strategies and Symmetry of geometric figures. Visit our website for information on list of rational numbers

Probability and Statistics

Hello students in this section we are going to discuss those things that have very much importance in mathematics they are Probability and Statistics taken from CBSE question papers. Let’s discuss them one by one. Probability deals with those things that are not sure, in simply one word in Uncertainty. Name of probability also suggests the same thing. Probability is not only used in mathematics but it is everywhere even in our daily to daily life. Like most probably it will rain tomorrow.
Probability uses three types of models so that we can easily understand the concept; they are independence, sample space and Venn diagram. Let’s see the simple example of probability; if we toss a coin then there will be two conditions either Head or Tail. Probability includes some basic terms that should be familiar by everyone who want to know more about the probability. The terms are: - experiment, random experiment, trial, event, equality likely events and many more. Get detail here.
Now come to the statistics, simply the statistics is used to summarize the data by applying the following process: -
By data collection methods → organizing the data → Analysis the data → Interpretation the data, after this process data is summarized and used for decision making, and the one who do all activities called the statistician. Statistics is not the one topic; it is a whole subject that covers so many topics within it. The most common topics is measure of central tendency, the central tendency includes mean, median and mode. Mean is the average of numbers, median is the middle number of a line segment and mode is the number that occurs most often in number series. In the next session we are going to discuss Collect, Grade III.

In upcoming posts we will discuss about interpret data and Numbers in Grade IV. Visit our website for information on rational numbers worksheet


Data recording in Karnataka board syllabus is the way of collecting the data that means data collection is done by recording the data in a way that anyone can easily extract the data from the record. (also read Data Set Example)
Data is recorded by many ways that is defined as follows:
Records are of many types as if we talk about the records for documentation then these are business records or medical records or service records or public records etc.
Some records that have associated with the computers then these are like files or data base that contain all the data that is stored into the computers.
There are also some types of records that are known as the digital records as compact disk also known as the CD or other as USB etc
These records are very useful when we need some data that is previously described and it is used after some time .It is also used for analyze the data means when there is need to comparison among the data then records are very useful for getting the data because data is stored in the records and easily deduced from the records (more details here).
When we talk about the any prediction based on the data then we may use the records in probability finding.
This is define as if there is a record that have the data related to business growth then for doing the comparison between two or more years growth of the business we use the record to gaining the data of respective year and also doing some future prediction based on recorded data .
So records are very useful entity to define all the happenings that are previously happened and also helps in doing the future prediction that are based on that recorded data.

In upcoming posts we will discuss about Probability and Statistics and Whole numbers- read, write, count. Visit our website for information on rational and irrational numbers worksheets


ICSE syllabus for class 3 maths : Before doing an experiment or for making some decision that are based on some previous data there will be of collect and represent the data .This is the only way through which one can easily, efficiently makes the effective plan or strategies that are totally base on the previously stored data .Before storing the data it should be keep in mind that how data is collected and also from where data is collected.
Data should be collected correctly as well as from the true resource that have the timeliness that means when data is needed by someone it can be easily retrieved by them and after collection of the data it should be organized according to some keys .
After all the collection and organization of the data there will be next very important concept of representing the data. It is the only concept through which the user can understand the previously recorded data and makes some decision on that .Collect and represent data in probability are also helpful that means there data are used to making the future strategies as well as helps in comparison of the data among several years for the same period of time .
There are several Data Collection Methods and various type of data representation like image processing, Global positioning system .Collection probability also the important concept that is based on the collection of data .The main motive behind display the data is to understand the available data and deriving the meaning and also extract the useful in conclusion .The collected data can be stored in the in many ways like:
Statistical tables
or by rank order
or by frequency order .
These forms are useful in statistical analysis of the data .Initially all the data collect in scattered form but later it organize and change into the numerical facts .

In upcoming posts we will discuss about record and Place value whole numbers. Visit our website for information on distributive probability worksheet

Results of probability experiments

Probability Help : As we well know that the probability of an event lies between zero to one. So whenever we are asked that Results of probability experiments then it will always be between zero and one. If we toss a coin then possible outcome can be head or a tail as we know that probability of any event is the ratio of number of samples by number of event. So total number of event will be two and if we have to find the probability of getting a head then it will be ½. As you can see that the probability is between zero and one. As we know that results of probability experiments will always be between zero and one. Probability result will vary greatly when we perform some big experiments, because in big experiments it is very difficult to predict the result. For example if we are throwing two dies and we have to find the probability that the sum of dies will be 7. For more on this topic click here.
Then our first task is to make the samples where the sum of dies will be 7. So samples can be 1,66,15,22,53,44,3 these are the possibilities of getting a sum as 7. And number of event will be 6*6 = 36, so probability of the event will be 6/36. We can simplify 6/36 as 1/6. This is the probability for the given experiment. We can also see that if the experiment is big the probability will always be lesser. The predication of result is depending on number of samples and total number of event. Whenever we are asked to calculate the probability our first task is to calculate the number of events. And after finding the number of event we should go for number of samples. And in this way we can predict the result. In the next session we are going to discuss Grade III of school education Karnataka, Predict future events.

In upcoming posts we will discuss about Collect and Solve Decimals. Visit our website for information on distributive property worksheets

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Possible outcomes for simple events

Probability from Karnataka board syllabus of any event is the ratio of number of samples to the number of event. Possible outcomes for simple events can be predicated easily if we are tossing a coin then the possible outcomes can be head or a tail. If we are throwing a die then number of possible outcome can be 6. Because if we are rolling a die we can get the number as 1,2, 3,4,5,6. Possible outcomes of simple events can be predicted easily but it depend upon case to case, if we are choosing a card from the deck of 52 cards then can be very difficult to predict the outcome because there can be 52 outcomes. So every time it is not simple to predict the outcome. If we have to choose a particular card from the deck of 52 cards then it can be a easy task if we have to chose an ace, then there are four aces in the 52 cards so it can be a little easier task. If we have to choose a black card from the deck of 52 cards then it will be a very easier task because there are 26 black cards available there. So probability will be 26/52, that will be equal to ½. Now we will see a simple example in which we will determine the number of samples of an event. Also you can read about Probability Distribution Function to improve your skills.
Example: find the possible outcome if a die is rolled on the surface?
Solution: As we know that a die consists of six faces, and every face contains a number in between one to six. So when we roll the die the outcome can be one,two,three,four ,five and six. So the total number of outcome will be six.
In this way we can determine the possible outcomes for simple events.

In upcoming posts we will discuss about Results of probability experiments and Multiplication/division - inverse relationship. Visit our website for information on probability of exactly one event

Describing events

Hello students, in this session we are going to discuss the describing events topic of mathematics, but before start it you should be familiar with the term events. Events means occurrence, that type of occurrence that observed by any party. Event may anything like ceremony, competition, meetings, festival, media event, party, sporting event and corporate event or Independent Events. And event may be in science, mathematics, technology and in many more fields.
Now the question arise that how to describe the events. To describing the events, we should know the first, the types of events. Describing events (more on events) means telling about the event such as: -
How it happened and how it will happen.
When it happened and when it will happen.
More precisely what happened, when happened, where happened, what were the tools, success-ed or not. And to describing event, we should know the some events object and attributes, like event name, event starting date, event completed date, host name, services, success and many more.
And technically, events may be following types: -
-Complementary events: - These types of event occurs when only one type of event occurs and the other one do not.
-Dependent events: - In this type of event, two events are dependent to each other, if one event's result affects the other event's result.
-Independent event: - Independent event are the events in which the existence of other event does not affect the other event's existence.
-Mutually exclusive events: - Those types of two or more events that do not occur at the same time.

I hope whatever information I gave above will give a brief introduction about the procedure of describing events.
Gujarat board Grade III students can learn something valuable from this information.

In upcoming posts we will discuss about Possible outcomes for simple events and Fractions. Visit our website for information on trigonometry worksheets