Wednesday, 8 August 2012

roman numeral calculator

Roman numerals are kind of writing a number in numeric system. Roman numerals were introduced by the ancient roman mathematician. They use a various alphabetic combination to representing any number value by using Latin alphabet. Students who are belongs to initial grades are very well aware from the concept of roman numerals. In the below we show you some of the example that representing value of one to ten in the roman numerals forms. Let’s see below:
Like 1 = I, 2 = II, 3 = III, 4 = IV, 5 = V, 6 = VI, 7 = VII, 8 = VIII, 9 = IX, 10 = X
In the above mention roman number pattern helps students to more deeply understanding the concept of Roman numerals. In the section discussion begins from the topic of roman numeral calculator. Before understanding the concept of roman numerals calculator we need to understand the some of the basic symbols that popularly used for performing various operations with roman numerals. Let’s see below:
'(V)' Here this symbol contains a value equal to 5, In same aspect symbol X equal to 10. Like other variables are L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000. The above given symbols are most basic roman numerals that helps in performing mathematical calculation. Roman numeral calculator is the calculator that performs the fundamental operation like addition, subtraction, increment, decrement, multiplication, division and so on. They can also able to convert the Arabian numerals into roman numerals. (know more about roman numeral , here)
The basic theme behind using roman numeral calculator is that user can perform their mathematical operations very easily. The roman numbers should be placed from left hand to right hand order.
The Specific Heat Formula is used for calculating amount of heat per unit of mass to increase the temperature of material. To show the excellent performance in cbse board examination, various website provide free download cbse books for students.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Roman Numbers

In the previous post we have discussed about multiplication of whole numbers
 and In today's session we are going to discuss about Roman Numbers. Roman numbers are number representation system which uses a combination of letters to represent any numerical value. Roman numbers are the numbers which discovered from the ancient roman period. Roman numbers are the combination of Latin alphabets which is popularly used for to signify the values. Roman numerals are special kind of number representing system which has an additive system of letter popularly used for base value numbers. Roman numbers or values are not directly positioned and they do not have any symbol for  representing a value of zero. (know more about Roman Numbers, here)
In the below we show some of the symbol that help us in forming other roman values:
Symbol => I    V    X    L       C          D      M
 Value    =>1    5    10   50    100    500  1000
The roman numbers can be formed by adding symbol together that will generate a new value. Now we show some of basic combination of roman numbers from one to ten that are given below:
Number =>            1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8      9   10  
Roman no. =>        I    II   III    IV   V   VI  VII  VIII  IX    X
Now we show some of pattern that helps you in understanding the concept of Roman Numbers:
Suppose we want to represent a number 40 in the form Roman numeral now we need to process this thing step by step. Let’s show you below:
 As given that value of 50 = L
Then we need required 40 then = 50 – 10 = 40
It means that                                 = L – X = XL
In the same aspect we want to represent value of 60 then
As given that value of 50 = L
Then we need required 60 then = 50 + 10 = 60
It means that                                 =  L + X = LX

In mathematics, the Surface Area of Rectangular Prism can be describe by using the concept of rectangle that are given below:
 2 * Length * Width  + 2 * (Length + Width )* Height
For 10th board examination, cbse board provides cbse class 10 sample papers for exam preparation.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

multiplication of whole numbers

In the previous post we have discussed about display and In today's session we are going to discuss about multiplication of whole numbers. Whole number can be defined as all the number greater than equal to zero. In the whole number fraction number and negative number are not involved. For example: 0, 10, 21, 30, 45, 500, 61, 704, 8025, 901254 and so on are all are included in whole number. And also decimal numbers are not included in case of whole number. Now we will see how to perform multiplication of whole numbers. We need to follow some steps to the multiplication of whole number. The steps are shown below:
Step 1: To the multiplication of whole number first of all we have to take two or more than two values.
Step 2: Then multiply one term to the whole value of the other term.
Step 3: Apply these procedure till the last value.
Step 4: And if we have three values then first we have to multiply two values than the result we get is multiplied by the next value to get the required result. (know more about Whole number, here)
Step5: If we apply the above procedure carefully then we get the result.
Suppose we have two values 150 and 20, then we have to multiply both the values.
Solution: To perform the multiplication over the given values first clear that the given values are whole number or not. So here the given numbers are 150 and 20. According to the definition of whole number the given number follow the property of whole number. Now write the number in the multiplication form:
⇨ 150 * 20, if we multiply the number 0 to the next whole digit then we get 0, so we can write it as:
Then we apply same procedure to the next digit. On multiplying we get:
300 X
So, the multiplication of two numbers we get is 3000. This is how we can perform multiplication over the whole number. Now we will see the Vertex of a Parabola, as we know that no vertices are present in a parabola because it has curve shape. To get more information about these then prefer online tutorial of icse syllabus for class 8.

Thursday, 5 July 2012


When we observe that many collinear points are joined together to form a line, this line goes endlessly in both the directions and has no fixed endpoints. So we say that the line extends endlessly in both the directions and so it does not have any fixed length. We say that the pair of lines, when intersect each other, so that they  meet each other at only one point, then we say that the two lines are intersecting Also we  say the meeting point of these two intersecting lines as the point of intersection.
Now we will learn what is a Perpendicular Line?
 If we have a pair of intersecting lines such that the angles so formed at the point of intersection of the two lines is 90 degrees then we say that the pair of lines are Perpendicular Lines
If we look at the + sign, it shows that the two lines are perpendicular. The English alphabets: L, T, H F and E are formed by joining two or more perpendicular lines.
Also we know that if the two angles which are supplementary to each other are joined as the adjacent angles, then the pair of such angles, formed the  pair of perpendicular lines  by their uncommon arms.
In on a straight line a perpendicular line is drawn, we say that two angles of 90 degrees is formed. So we say that a perpendicular line drawn on the straight line divides the line into two equal angles of 90 degrees each.
Also if we look around us in our daily life examples, we say that the edge of the wall, edge of the table and many such objects forms a pair of perpendicular lines.

 In Order To Get Help on How to Find the Slope of a Line, How to Find Slope of a Line visit

Monday, 25 June 2012

Learn Whole Number

In the previous post we have discussed about Adding and Subtracting Integers and In today's session we are going to discuss about Whole Number,  By Whole Number, we mean the numbers which start from 0 and the series goes on increasing by adding 1 to the number. This series goes endlessly up to infinite. Thus we conclude that the series of the whole numbers include the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . .  up to infinite. Here we observe that every number has the successor in the series of the whole numbers and every number has the predecessor except the number 0. As 0 is the smallest number in this series. 
Let us now check how the series of the natural numbers differ from the series of the whole numbers. The ordinary answer we have is that the series of the natural numbers start with the number 1 and the series of the whole numbers start with the number zero. But we could observe the main difference between the two series of the numbers which is as follows :
The natural numbers are the counting numbers, it means we use the series of the natural numbers when we need to do the counting of any objects, persons etc.  But the whole numbers are used with the vector units, it means that  when ever we need to measure certain units such as  length, weight, temperature, speed etc, these measuring units can not be started with 1.  So  we use whole numbers in such cases. We conclude by saying that the whole numbers are the measuring numbers.
To understand about the polynomial factoring calculator, and to practice more about the related topic we can take the online help of math tutor and the online worksheets available on different tutorials of math. We  also have cbse books available online  for different grades to understand more about the  contents and the topics covered in different grades.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Adding and Subtracting Integers

In the previous post we have discussed about List Prime Numbers and In today's session we are going to discuss about Adding and Subtracting Integers, Set of positive and negative numbers is known as integers except fraction and decimal numbers. For example: -3, -2, -5, -6, 0, 2, 8, 10, 12, 17, 20 and so on.

In the above examples all the numbers are in integer form. The number 0 is also an integer number. There are two types of integer which are positive and negative integer. All the numbers which are greater than zero is said to be as positive integer. For example: 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 18, 21, 50, 502 and so on all are the positive integers.

And all the numbers which are less than zero is said to be negative integers. For example: -3, -6, -7, -11, -13, -15, -16, -18, -21, -50, -504 and so on all are the negative integers. Now we see some steps of Adding and Subtracting Integers. First we see how to add integer number. To add integer’s numbers we have to follow some of the steps:

Step1: To add two integers’ numbers first of all we see the numbers; all numbers should be positive or negative number.

Step2: There should be no fractions values.

Step3: Now add all the given positive and negative integers.

Let’s see how to subtract integers. Now we see some steps for subtracting integers;

To subtract the integers we need to follow some steps:

Step 1: To subtract integers first of all we see all the given numbers, all the given number should be positive or negative integer number.

Step 2: Fraction numbers and decimal numbers cannot be included in the integer numbers.

Step 3: Subtract all the given positive and negative integers.

For example: Subtract the number, if the numbers are (-14, -18)?

Solution: when we subtract any integer number we have to follow all the above steps:

Given, (-13, -17), If we subtract -14 - (-18) = -14 + 18 = 4

Let’s see inverse function calculator, as we know that it is online tool which is used to convert the domain of a function to the range and range of a function to the domain. Before going the examination hall go through the cbse class 12 sample papers. It is very helpful for exam point of view and you can get it from here.

Friday, 15 June 2012

List Prime Numbers

In the previous post we have discussed about Even Prime Numbers and In today's session we are going to discuss about List Prime Numbers. In mathematics we deal with many types of numbers, it is because without numbers mathematics is nothing. Here we are going to discuss the list of prime numbers. But before doing that, let’s take a look on the prime numbers. Prime numbers are the numbers that are divisible by one (1) or the number itself. (know more about Prime Numbers, here)

The list prime numbers are given below:-
2      3      5      7     11     13     17     19     23     29
31     37     41     43     47     53     59     61     67     71
 They are the special type of natural and positive numbers. Prime number has only two divisors, first one is number 1 and second one is the number itself. We study the prime numbers under the elementary math. Prime number has one special property I. e. all prime numbers are odd but 2 is only prime number that is even. The smallest prime number is 2 and largest prime number is
m39= 213,466,917-1.
We can also calculate the prime numbers but this calculation is for very short range.   The method is defined below:-
Include 2 but cut of all numbers that is divisible 2.
Include 3 because it is the prime number and cut of all numbers that is divisible by 3 such as 6, 9, 12....
Include 5 because it is the prime number and cut of all numbers that is divisible by 5 such as 10, 15, 20......
Include 7 because it is the prime number and cut of all numbers that is divisible by 7 such as 14, 21, 28......
Like this we can include 11, 13, 17, 19 and many numbers as a prime numbers and exclude those numbers that are divisible by the above numbers.
Tree Diagram contains a root node that is further classified into his child nodes, this type of diagram is used for decision making and valuation. When we have to study for any topic in detail then we use this.
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