Friday, 15 June 2012

List Prime Numbers

In the previous post we have discussed about Even Prime Numbers and In today's session we are going to discuss about List Prime Numbers. In mathematics we deal with many types of numbers, it is because without numbers mathematics is nothing. Here we are going to discuss the list of prime numbers. But before doing that, let’s take a look on the prime numbers. Prime numbers are the numbers that are divisible by one (1) or the number itself. (know more about Prime Numbers, here)

The list prime numbers are given below:-
2      3      5      7     11     13     17     19     23     29
31     37     41     43     47     53     59     61     67     71
 They are the special type of natural and positive numbers. Prime number has only two divisors, first one is number 1 and second one is the number itself. We study the prime numbers under the elementary math. Prime number has one special property I. e. all prime numbers are odd but 2 is only prime number that is even. The smallest prime number is 2 and largest prime number is
m39= 213,466,917-1.
We can also calculate the prime numbers but this calculation is for very short range.   The method is defined below:-
Include 2 but cut of all numbers that is divisible 2.
Include 3 because it is the prime number and cut of all numbers that is divisible by 3 such as 6, 9, 12....
Include 5 because it is the prime number and cut of all numbers that is divisible by 5 such as 10, 15, 20......
Include 7 because it is the prime number and cut of all numbers that is divisible by 7 such as 14, 21, 28......
Like this we can include 11, 13, 17, 19 and many numbers as a prime numbers and exclude those numbers that are divisible by the above numbers.
Tree Diagram contains a root node that is further classified into his child nodes, this type of diagram is used for decision making and valuation. When we have to study for any topic in detail then we use this.
We have many ICSE textbooks that are for different classes, it includes 9th, 10th etc. standard classes.  

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