Friday 20 January 2012

blog on grade III

Hello friends I am back again with a new topic. Algebra! Boring topic for some students but in today’s topic you will find it interesting. Our today’s topic is for Grade III students of cbse board who find difficulties in algebra 1. Today we will learn fact families, Patterns (practice patterns in Pattern Worksheet) in fact families.
 A grade III student is aware of basic a mathematical operation that is addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Building his/her logic in the same, fact families are used. This enhances students’ ability to deal with these operations. Family means group of people related with each other similarly fact families means set of numbers and fact related with each other.
For a grade III student we only take 3 numbers in a family.
Addition and subtraction are part of one family. Similarly multiplication and division are part of same family. They are like cousins in family.
3 numbers two operators (+, - or /*) and an equal sign
(=) creates a family.For further details on algebra click here:

Numbers: 3, 5, 8
Operator: +, - and =.

Taking the above example let’s look at the Patterns in fact families.

Pattern 1: Add two numbers to get third number.
                        3 + 5 = 8
Pattern 2: Change the order of two numbers to get the same third number.
                        5 + 3 = 8
Pattern 3: Use the cousin operator here (-) and select the result of first two pattern and subtract one of the addend to get other one.
                        8 - 5 = 3
Pattern 4: Change the addend now to get other one.
                        8 – 3 = 5       

After discussing one family now we will move on the other family. Multiplication and division fact family. Multiplication and division is cousin operator.

            Numbers: 5, 4, 20
            Operators: *, / and =
Patterns in fact families

Pattern 1: Multiply two numbers to get third number.
                        5 * 4 = 20
Pattern 2: Change the order of first two numbers to get same third number back.
                        4 * 5 = 20
Pattern 3: Take result of first two patterns and select any one of remaining two numbers. Divide selected result from number to get third number.
                        20 / 5 = 4
Pattern 4: Use second number and again divide result of first two patterns from this.
                        20 / 4 = 5

You should ask me why cousin operators are used to define patterns in fact families. Cousin operators in the family has inverse property from each other.  So they are used to get the value from the result given by other operator of the same family. Confused!

Let’s take an example:
                                    Suppose we have 5,6,11 numbers and =,- operator
·        Addition of 5 and 6 gives 11
·        Now to get any one of addend from result we need cousin operator that family and one addend.
It must be clear to you now.
Now let’s talk about the usefulness of fact families. For a grade III student, an assignment is assigned by the faculty of algebra.
Andrew has 4 chocolates and Ricky gives him some more. Andrew now has 6 chocolates. How many chocolates did Ricky gave him?

Now if students are aware of fact families than they can easily solve this problem.
Andrew already has 4 chocolates.
After getting some from Ricky, Andrew has 6 chocolates.
Number of chocolates Ricky gave = after – already
                                                       =  6 - 4  
                                                       =  2

This is all about the algebra fact families and Patterns in fact families. Spend some time with them and I am sure you will find it easy and not so boring any more and You can get information about Odd and even numbers in grade III and Rounding numbers in Grade IV on Internet.

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