Thursday 12 April 2012

Possible outcomes for simple events

Probability from Karnataka board syllabus of any event is the ratio of number of samples to the number of event. Possible outcomes for simple events can be predicated easily if we are tossing a coin then the possible outcomes can be head or a tail. If we are throwing a die then number of possible outcome can be 6. Because if we are rolling a die we can get the number as 1,2, 3,4,5,6. Possible outcomes of simple events can be predicted easily but it depend upon case to case, if we are choosing a card from the deck of 52 cards then can be very difficult to predict the outcome because there can be 52 outcomes. So every time it is not simple to predict the outcome. If we have to choose a particular card from the deck of 52 cards then it can be a easy task if we have to chose an ace, then there are four aces in the 52 cards so it can be a little easier task. If we have to choose a black card from the deck of 52 cards then it will be a very easier task because there are 26 black cards available there. So probability will be 26/52, that will be equal to ½. Now we will see a simple example in which we will determine the number of samples of an event. Also you can read about Probability Distribution Function to improve your skills.
Example: find the possible outcome if a die is rolled on the surface?
Solution: As we know that a die consists of six faces, and every face contains a number in between one to six. So when we roll the die the outcome can be one,two,three,four ,five and six. So the total number of outcome will be six.
In this way we can determine the possible outcomes for simple events.

In upcoming posts we will discuss about Results of probability experiments and Multiplication/division - inverse relationship. Visit our website for information on probability of exactly one event

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